Thirteen Shreds of Thought:
2) The most delicious water is the water one drinks upon coming inside to a cool house, after being outside and sweating profusely.
3) Driving anywhere with a toddler who feels crummy and is throwing up SUCKS. Especially if the destination is a minimum of 8 hours and 45 minutes away.
4) Cats that are confident in life have much more fun outdoors than insecure and awkward kitties do.
5) A home remedy for a thirst quenching and electrolyte balanced solution is: 1 Quart (approximately 4 cups water) warmed, with 2 Tablespoons organic vegan sugar and 1/4 Teaspoon Sea Salt stirred until dissolved, then chilled. Adding a shot of organic apple, pineapple or cranberry juice is a good idea if you want your kiddo to actually drink it.
6) Listening to Colin Firth read a book on tape is wonderful.
7) There is never enough time in the day to get everything done, so choose wisely.
8) Lily Tomlin is STILL fabulous.
9) Summer is my BAKING PIE SEASON!
10) One large window fan, is NOT equivalent to Air Conditioning on the top floor of any house.
11) If you're having a crappy day, sneak off somewhere private (to the bathroom if you have too) and read a few chapters of a good book. It'll turn you around for the better.
12) Roasted vegan, corn free and gluten free marshmallows are amazingly good.
13) It's never too early to begin a self-imposed summer reading list, project, goal, or vacation.