Some days the rain doesn't come.
I want it to. Badly.
Some days my heart feels broken, even though I know it should be whole.
Bittersweet, to me.
Some days I have one drink and I think to myself,
There are people who walk around this fuzzy all the time.
Some days I think I know who I am.
Then I surprise myself, YET again.
Some days I long for a different feel to my life.
Then I remember all I have to be happy, and thankful for.
Some days I apologize too much for anything, and everything.
Oh wait, that's every day.
Some days I question my motives and my whole approach to relationships.
I never know how I'll answer.
Some days I doubt my sincerity, and then I remember what I'm all about.
Honesty with a dash of tact, even if it hurts.
Some days I feel as though I could do backflips down every long hallway I encounter.
That's how my happy comes out sometimes.
Some days I frantically write my thoughts down, because I don't want to lose them.
Then I forget where I placed my notebook, and I have to start again.
Some days, I feel elated and know that soon I'll be on the other side and ascending into sadness, just for a moment-- the price we pay for love, is often grief.
Take today, for example.