I am going to attempt to participate in National Write A Novel Month (a.k.a. NaNoWriMo).
This means that I will cease editing my other two not-quite-finished books, and begin writing a new one--- just for this month of November.
It's going to be my birthday present to myself as my birthday lies exactly a week from Halloween.
Today is the FIRST day.
This November Novella is going to be a fairy-tale: DOUBLE the FUN!
As I said before, my fantastical adventure story (book one) and my basic food novel (book two) will both be on hold for this month... unless I get really stuck and need to work on another project to rejuvenate myself... which is why I began the second book in the first place... that, and food pornography (for lack of a better term) is REALLY fun to write...
Additionally, I am going to attempt the incredible for me: As I finish each chapter of the November Novella, I'm going to post it here.
For people to read. People such as yourself. ;-)
That's right... I'm going to display things IN THE WORKS here on MWMWL as I go.
Mind you, they'll be edited chapters. This will be in addition to my morning walk musings; quite the endeavor!
However, I'm going to attempt to document myself with updates here as well as on the word count NaNoWriMo site-- baring my soul for anyone who cares to see.
Let's hope that all this is possible.
This weekend I have a musical performance at a well known hotel and I'll be gone Friday through Sunday afternoon.
Two days later my birthday happens.
A day later, my mum arrives for a visit.
A few days after that I head to OK for a wedding shower.
Then it's Thanksgiving.
Then the month is OVER and the novel MUST BE FINISHED!
Now, perhaps you are wondering: Why a fairy-tale?
Well, because they're such delightful fun.
Villains are really delicious characters to write; besides, I'm tired of all the rescuing being done by romantic interests in the story... it's time to re-establish the kind of character who has their own passion and adventure in their own tale.
Plus, it's funnier if characters are more independent versus codependent.
Besides, funny things happen with stories that begin with, "Once upon a time..." and it's going to be quite an experience to take control of such a classic genre for myself.
Also, I want to invite you all to feel free to provide feedback and/or constructive criticism via the comments here as the November Novel progresses along.
Wish me luck, because this feels as if it's a HUGE DEAL!
Good luck Hayl! Sounds like fun :)